While we welcome guest blog submissions from other companies and individuals we have created these guidelines and requirements to ensure the process is smooth and beneficial for all parties. Should you have any questions after reading this please do not hesitate to contact us with your questions or topic suggestions should you wish to write an article for our blog.

laptops and handshakes across a desk

Who can write for us?

Provided that the contributor is not a direct competitor (referral partners providing services allowed) and has proven that they are an experienced professional in the marketing industry (or has a related industry), we are open to accepting content from them. However, every submission will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis with the relevant team member being notified. 

The contributor must have a verified website and social media. Please note we do not accept submissions from freelance content writers or agencies looking for links unless they represent one of our partners and previously agreed. We will also not accept proposals from non-business emails, for example from a Gmail or Hotmail email.


The subject of any submission should, in some way, be directly related to marketing and/or the SME business world. We would typically provide a list of potential topics to be considered, but we are also always open to suggestions from the relevant contributor.

However, all topics must be approved by the Escape the Village team prior to the first draft. Content must be new and unique to us, although can be an updated and refreshed version of previous content you have written as long as it is SEO friendly, current and relevant to the B2B market.


Guest submissions should be between roughly 1000-2000 words. Longer submissions can be accepted on a case by case basis or as a mini-series of related articles in some cases from a referral partner with have an established relationship with already.

Image Requirements

All guest articles should be accompanied by at least three high-quality JPEG images, that are relevant to the agreed topic. This will need to be signed-off internally before the blog is published.

The image provided should be royalty free or come with full permission to use for the related article. A company logo should also be provided to accompany the bio and author section of the article. Where possible we also like a headshot of the author for the guest blog as this makes it more human and not just about the brand, but the people behind the brand

Ideally, unless proof of ownership can be provided we cannot accept stock images from sites like Shutterstock, etc.

guest blog images

Video Content

We also welcome video content related to the topic that could be used on You Tube TikTok or embedded into your article. Video style and creation could be discussed once topics agreed. Video format can be short or longer in style and does not need to be professionally edited or finished. Ideas may include: top tips, interviews, guided tours, etc.


Every post will include two to three links to the relevant website – one to the homepage of the guest blog provider and others to a hyperlink of the contributor’s choice within their website and where possible related to the article topic. Excessive links unless otherwise previously agreed will be removed during approval.

We also request a list of your social media links so we can ensure we follow you and when we share your guest blog we can tag you where possible.

Links will be checked at submission stage.

Company/Author Bios

The bio should introduce the guest writer’s company, what they do and the service they provide in no more than 150 words. This may also include links to the organization’s social media accounts. We also require a square logo or author photo for your bio (as stated above).

The bio will be placed at the end of the article for possible further reading, include social media links, website link and audience reference.

sample guest blog author bio image

Editing Process

Once we have received the first draft (normally 3-4 weeks ahead of planned publication), we have a period of 1-2-weeks where the article will be reviewed internally by our team. If any amendments are required, we will make the contributor aware promptly and obtain sign-off. This can be processed quicker in the case of some referral partner articles.

Publication Date

The publication date will be agreed in advance and is normally on the last Wednesday of the month however we can be flexible depending upon other content already planned or scheduled. Where other articles are already agreed from other providers this can oocasionally be several months in advance. Escape the Village reserve the right to change the publication date or cancel publication of any agreed article.

In the case of referral partners we can often schedule the article quicker and earlier in the month.

Social Media

Any article that is published on the website will also be promoted across Escape the Village’s social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google & LinkedIn). At 4.30pm on the day of publication, reshared the following week for our #ICYMI slot and then added to our evergreen schedule and Guest Blog articles category on the website.

The relevant accounts of the guest blog provider will be tagged where possible, and any personal promotion of the article conducted on their own channels retweeted & shared. Please ensure that you submit your social media accounts to us at the same time as your company/author bio.

Repeat Submissions

If you would like to submit more than one article we are more than happy to discuss this. We will normally spread out guest blogs from the same author/company over a period of time unless they are related mini-series though and will normally only accept a maximum of four guest blogs from the same author/company within a single year.


We look forward to hearing from you and accepting your guest blog submissions in the future. You can view our blog and blog categories on our website and view our company mission and values too which may help you with your thoughts, ideas and topic submissions.